Full-time child care and continuous employment are difficult. Finding a job with flexible hours for child care is tough since more firms need set hours.
Child Care Aware America reports that childcare centers allow parents of all academic levels to work more hours and longer hours.
Work productivity rises with child care for working parents. Stable, high-quality child care helps parents work more, miss fewer days, and study.
Spending time with small children is fun, but the routine may drain parents physically and psychologically. Stay-at-home parents report being irritated, less tolerant, and more impatient.
Stay-at-home parents aren't idle. They must haul their children to grocery stores, banks, and doctor's appointments like working parents.
Covid has showed us that children need to engage with other children to acquire social skills and flourish.
Kindergarten may be difficult for kids, especially those reared at home without childcare socialization.
Working parents may struggle to set routines for their kids. Having variable working hours makes daily planning tough.